Commercial Cleaning for a Sherman Oaks Winter

It’s almost wintertime again, which for Sherman Oaks means…it’s a little bit brisk and a little bit rainy. Yeah, we don’t believe in winter per se. It’s not like Minneapolis where winter means you can’t open your front door and the A-Bomb-inable Snowboarder is doing 720-degree tailgrabs off of your garage roof. Or like Seattle where winter means you might see the sun again as an April Fool’s Day prank before it disappears until June. The most significant effect winter has on Sherman Oaks is the appearance of long sleeves and the closing of most windows.

Of course, if you’re in the world of commercial cleaning, a Sherman Oaks winter is actually more relevant for you than it is for the rest of the area. That’s because closing your windows actually means something to us janitorial folk. At least, it does to the kind that work at MegaJanitorial. That’s because we care about more than just wiping and sweeping and scrubbing — we attend to all the things. That includes your business’ air quality.

See, when you close your windows and doors, the only thing you have between you and breathing in a mélange of air that was very recently breathed out by your co-workers, any several of whom may be playing host to a fresh batch of their daughter’s kindergarten’s freshly-flown-in-from-out-of-state bacteria is your office HVAC system’s air filter…and us.

Some other commercial cleaners, whom we shall not name because we don’t believe in advertising our competition, don’t particularly see this as a problem. They’ll keep right on wiping and sweeping and scrubbing and not giving a second’s thought to the giant ever-circulating pile of airborne frighteningness that builds up in your breezeless businessplace. MegaJanitorial has a different perspective. We see two, possibly three months of closed windows as a threat to your workflow; a fundamental imposition on your efficiency.

So ask us, when the coming winter hits and you feel compelled to wear long sleeves and possibly carry that umbrella you keep in the back of your closet to work, what we can do to winterproof your workforce. We’ll hazard you’ll appreciate the answer. If you don’t already know us, try the phone number at the top of the page. It works. We know because we use it every day.

What Can an Office Cleaning in Los Angeles Get Done?

When you think of an office cleaning going down, what do you see in your mind’s eye? Bored-looking dudes in bland uniforms, eyes down, slowly mopping, vacuuming, wiping, and taking out the trash? Sure, that happens every day all up and down the California coast, from San Diego to Sacramento, and probably in whatever is north of Sacramento, too. (There has to be something up there besides Lake Shasta, right?)

But that’s just “an office cleaning.” Los Angeles has so much more to offer than just drab uniforms and slow mopping. We have businesses like MegaJanitorial, with people who care about cleanliness, who want to do more than just go through the minimal motions of everyday scrubbery. There are no Roger the Scrubbers here. Our Roger is into floor care. Hardwood, laminate, tile, Pergo, you name it, our Roger can and will not just clean it, but help it stay clean with a protective coating of…whatever it is that kind of floor takes. Don’t ask me, I’m not Roger. (Names have been changed to protect the potentially innocent.)

The point is, there’s no reason for a Los Angeles office cleaning to consist of a mop dipped in weak sauce and then thoughtlessly smeared around until the floor is weak and vaguely saucy. MegaJanitorial, like the -Man and/or -Tron and/or -Deth that we may and/or may not be named after, goes above and beyond. Do you need your:

  • Industrial-grade carpet free of industrial-grade spots and stains?
  • Upholstery cleansed of its upholsting ways and returned to a life of innocent furnishing?
  • Restrooms de-grossed, re-stocked, and actually restful?
  • Windows forced into the kind of transparency you’d like to see in the government?
  • High-traffic areas scraped and scrubbed completely free of traffic jam?
  • Break room kitchenette slain and resurrected in the form of a safe eating environment?
  • Sidewalks pressured into walking a straight-and-narrow path of well-blasted cleanliness?

We’ve got people for that! People who thrive on the kind of filth your workers generate as an unintended side effect of your epic workflow efficiencies and mad synergy skillz. Not thrive on like they eat the stuff. That’s gross. They thrive on it the way that Donald Trump thrives on TV cameras pointed in his direction. They take pride in cleaning impossible-to-clean things the way that Michael Bay takes pride in exploding his explosions as they explode, or Xzibit takes pride in that last sentence.

Want to see what MegaJanitorial can do for your business? Give us a call; we’ll be happy to show you. The phone number is up there at the top of the page.