A Window into Office Cleaning in Glendale

Office cleaning: in Glendale, it’s more than just a brigade of mop-and-vacuum-wielding uniforms. Glendale goes all out when it comes to putting our best foot forward. Just ask us why Good Charlotte is long-gone but The Cramps are still here. That’s why our office cleaners don’t just clean the office — they clean the sidewalks, the exterior, and even the windows.

Did you know that the first windows were simply holes in the roof that had shutters you could close with a stick? Then we figured out how to put them on walls, and some time significantly later, someone had the brilliant idea of putting glass in them. For a long time, a window with glass in was a “fenester,” as opposed to a “window” (which literally means “wind eye”) which was a hole with no glass. But we left the fenester in the dump-ester when we ditched a bunch of French words about a half-century ago, and ‘window’ took over both meanings.

And man, are we at MegaJanitorial glad! It would be extraordinarily annoying to have to do the kinds of deep cleaning that we do if there were just open holes in the walls that constantly let in the pollen and dust that we work so hard to keep out of your HVAC filters. Of course, having glass in your windows means cleaning the glass, but unlike the people that spend all day in your building, we have the tools and equipment to make window washing a pretty easy endeavor.

Why is that important? Simply put, sunlight helps us do our job. Not only does it keep your employees more mentally stable and emotionally even-keeled, but sunlight (you may have heard) is a pretty good disinfectant. Even if you have UV-blocking laminate on your windows, it’s still easier to clean a room that’s been exposed to sunshine than one that’s been dark and dank for days. So if your windows aren’t letting in the amount or quality of light that they should be, it might be time to get us out there and get your windows professionally cleaned.

Janitorial Services in Burbank: Actually Saving Lives

Did you know that of the billions of things in this universe that could utterly kill you, at least four are in your office right now? It’s probably closer to forty or fifty, given the number of people who work there, but that’s not really the point. The point is, some of the things that MegaJanitorial’s service in Burbank cleans up on a regular basis are actually saving lives. Here’s some examples:

Printer Toner Inhalation
According to Environmental Science and Technology Magazine, the ultrafine toner particles emitted by nearly 30% of all laser printers (divided by age and repair, not anything rational like brand name or model) are as or more damaging to your health than cigarette smoke. To avoid inhaling these particles, you have to leave the space alone for several hours (say, from the end of business until we get there in the pre-dawn hours) and wipe down every surface in the area of the printer. If your cloth comes away with visible black ‘ripples,’ you know you need your printer repaired. Needless to say, we’ll be more than happy to alert you.

Electromagnetic Smog
Scientists at the Imperial College in London believe they’ve discovered precisely why computers get dustier than everything else around them — and it’s not because of the fan. It’s because electromagnetic fields emitted constantly by computers, monitors, and other electronic equipment actually attracts dust. The more electronic equipment there is in your office, the more likely it is that your air quality is potentially dangerous for your health. Unfortunately, other than getting a powerful HEPA filter on your HVAC system, the best thing you can do to reduce this effect is clean deeply and regularly. Or, more likely, let MegaJanitorial clean deeply and regularly for you.

Your Keyboard
Oh, you didn’t know? It makes perfect sense if you stop and think about it: almost everyone eats at their desk at some point during the day. Microscopic food particles either fall between the keys, or they get transferred from your fingers to the keyboard. The end result? The average keyboard has somewhere upwards of twelve thousand times the amount of bacteria than your average toilet seat. Yup. That’s some grossness. (Your mouse is only half as gross at six thousand times, but that’s still really gross.) Get your office cleaned regularly, by professionals, and keep the danger at a minimum.

Commercial Cleaning for Westwood Business Furniture

We’re about 90 degrees around the year from the classic ‘spring cleaning’ efforts that many businesses go through to prepare their spaces and stuff for the growth seasons. That means it’s time to step back and take a look at what you can do to help ensure that your place of business makes it through the winter looking sharp and fresh, even when it’s not all that fresh outside. Do you ever get that not-so-fresh feeling? Sure, we all do — even our chairs and desks and whatnot. That’s why MegaJanitorial includes business furniture in our commercial cleaning for Westwood‘s leading businesses.

Save Money
We can help you save money by making sure that your existing office furniture lasts as long as possible. Those cool swivel chairs cost a pretty penny, and as much as they might not be as comfortable as the ones at home, those couches and benches that you can find every so often in the halls aren’t exactly cheap, either. Rather than let one fall to an irremovable stain or a problem with the wood, call MegaJanitorial and we’ll keep it serviceable and looking good for far longer than your employees could with their limited janitorial skillset.

Save Face
We can help you put your best foot forward to your customers, clients, and vendors. Rather than letting Ralph from BigChinaImportCompany sit on the Tuffet of Questionable History and send up a dust cloud that will have him sneezing up a fit, don’t! Let us come in and give your furniture a fall-time freshening that will let him plop down in peace.

Save Your Furniture
Dust particles may be all but invisible to us, but to the long strands of your furniture’s woven exterior, they’re perfectly tangible. That’s because dust particles are a lot like microscopic buzzsaws, cutting into the fabric of your furniture more and more with each movement of each gluteus maximus that makes contact with the sitting surface in question. (The same is true of other limbs and other surfaces, but the butt-dust-fiber grinder is nearly the trifecta of slow, low-grade furniture destruction.)

There’s are few reasons you wouldn’t have a professional commercial cleaner like MegaJanitorial come out and give your office furniture a top-tier once-over. The only really good one being that we’ve already done it this fall — and if that’s the case, well, we’re looking forward to coming back next Spring!